Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between pyrolysis, ozone and other technologies?
Autoclaving, ozone, and other waste disposal technologies in use today simply sterilize the waste using steam or chemicals. In addition to their inability to process hazardous medical waste, these technologies make the false claim of volume reduction (not by weight) by merely compressing the waste into a shredded residue which still requires land filling. The PyromedTM system destroys the waste and is fully compliant to process all categories of medical waste, including hazardous; and delivers true volume reduction (by weight), yielding only 7% of the original waste in the form of a non-infectious, inert carbon char which can be safely landfilled.
The Pyromed 550 destroys the waste and is fully compliant to process all categories of medical waste including hazardous, leaving only a 7% (by weight) non-infectious char residue which can be safely landfilled.
Our Innovation Facilities
Facility description and location?
Our system is closed looped and self-contained. Zero liquids are discharged from our facilities. Everything, including the wash down residuals are recycled and destroyed in the system. All PyromedTM systems are enclosed within a secure space and have receiving, storage and staging areas. Staging areas are small and accommodate only the quantity of waste items prepared for immediate destruction. As a result of the EPA and DOE determining the PyromedTM as true Pyrolysis, facilities can be located anywhere within a property zoned for heavy industrial use because our systems are NOT considered incinerators.
Is our facility permitted?
Does the PyroMedTM meet EPA and DOE standards?
Can our technology produce renewable energy?
Is there an on-site option?
Our customers shall have the option – but not the obligation – for us to develop, procure, construct, commission, own and operate a turn-key facility at a customer’s site. We will cover all of the costs associated with the on-site facility and its continued operations in exchange for a fixed price waste supply contract with a term of no less than 5 years.
Scope of Services for Pickup / Hauling
How will the waste be measured?
How will the waste be collected and delivered?
What is the rate structure?